dimanche 27 novembre 2016

The Historical Context

Now, some historical facts so you could have a better idea of the important period of time when the TV series sets.

Since the colony of Plymouth in 1620, European realms deployed their colonial forces over the territory of North America. Founded in 1626 by British settlers, Salem was then considered as the new Jerusalem because of its location and land.

During the spring of 1692, an excitation began among the colonial state of Massachusetts in the village of Salem. It was a British colony, part of the Massachusetts Bay Company. This town was not that much opened to the others and was mainly controlled by Puritans who were a group of English Reformed Protestants who aimed at purifying the Church of England. They had strong religious believes such as respect, prayers, none sexual intercourse before marriage.

Some women were accused of witchcraft and some others claimed to be possessed by evil forces. Fearing an uprising and ignoring the so-called witches intentions, a special court was opened in Salem to punish these women accused of evil acts and manipulations. Awful and archaic punishments as burnings and hangings then took place and the Witch Trials resulted in twenty death condamnations among which figured fourteen women.

The TV series Salem, sets this unsustainable atmosphere in the town and stars different leaders of the trials like the mayor of the town, a judge and of course witches. Seen as the only gender acting as evil first, women were hunted and accusations flew among the inhabitants of the colonized land. Throughout the three seasons of Salem, the viewer is transported through the history of the Witch trial which raised various issues at the time such as religion, colonization, the place of women in society and their representation on screen - sticking to the truth or departing from the historical facts and reality.


1 commentaire:

  1. Good idea to explain the historical context. You’re a bit cryptic sometimes (“Salem was then considered as the new Jerusalem because of its location and land.”) or hard to understand (“sets this unsustainable atmosphere). Nice map, but you should indicate your source for it.
